Taryn Barlow Transcript
Hi, my name is Taryn Barlow from the well brain, I’m really excited to be here on concussion box because I could not agree more, that reducing the experience of isolation after concussion is so valuable. My work as a professional in the field of concussion recovery is born out of an awareness that there was a gap in care. I have experience as a speech language pathologist in the medical world and I really wanted to be a master of one and not a jack of all trades. So, for me, that was neuro-recovery. I noticed as a speech language pathologist, that many people who were navigating, “mild traumatic brain injury”, had a hard time qualifying for services, or had insurance determined that they only needed a few sessions, but the reality was when they went home, when they lived life, in the community, in all of the things that they wanted to do, there was so much more recovery to be had.
It was not just about doing okay. It was about seeking, thriving again. As a speech language pathologist, I knew I had to create this and so with certification as a health coach, and an Amen certified brain health professional, and years of experience, I created the well brain and the opportunity to work with people navigating concussion has been truly fulfilling.
When I get to work with people, I have the opportunity to create a six month or more program that allows me to develop the rapport and relationship with people that allows us to look at their priorities, their wise, what motivates them because that is where a lot of the really important healing happens. It is about thriving again, with confidence in a brain that feels a little bit uncomfortable in the recovery journey. I want my clients to live big and do the things that matter to them in running their homes, in their social lives, traveling again, community, volunteering, the purpose and the why really matters. I become a part of the team for years to come and many times they will say, I need to reach out to you because this was a “Taryn” thing.
For anybody navigating concussion recovery, I understand that health is a very logical priority. Take a second and also prioritize your joy, your creativity, new relationships, things within your home environment that truly feel good. For friends and family, be there for support but also recognize that within the day-to-day challenges, capacities, and energy vary. Allow them the grace and space and the ability to communicate with you on an ever-changing basis. It allows them the ability to show up as they are and for you to receive them as they are. It allows both of you a better relationship full of grace and compassion.
When people are navigating concussion, nothing really surprises me because I like to meet people right where they are at. Function matters and what’s wonderful about the medical community is we rule out some really big scary things but what’s challenging about health care is that we forget to address function. It really is not just about being okay, doing good enough. When a concussion changes the direction of your life, reprioritizing, redefining purpose, connections, those things are really important and sometimes having someone show up in that space and encourage you, and problem solve with you and communicate with you is a wonderful gift. Find those people in your world, build the team that supports you, encourages you and fosters the resilience that you are 100% capable of. Thank you very much concussion box for allowing me this opportunity to connect with your community. To all those people navigating concussion. You are doing a great job. You are sitting here listening and connecting with people. There’s value in that. Keep going. Let me know if I can help you. Thank you!